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Enter Locking Up Viral Rings

An international battlefield was scheduled this year Postponed due to an invisible fear A misunderstood sensitive diplomatic situation Displaying theatrical health care patients Put off an artistic war Where the death toll is replaced by a game score As we interpret what really happened Hopefully continuing peaceful dialogue with Japan Remember when things were just all right Written prologue not aware of a global viral fight Qualifications had begun Being an athletic sample seemed entrepreneur and fun But word got out Things were cancelled without any doubt Soon a decision was made Before educators were able to hand out final grades Dr. Godzilla put its foot down Destroying every sporting peaceful village, city and town Colorful rings will not be interlocking Timers stopped their clocking No one will be handled a medal Apparently this mass hysteria has its foot on the pedal For the first time There will be a mature odd number on the promotional line As a substitute representation Confirming the biological weapon war who is facing Based on resentment Challenging trusting encampment Is there a wide world message lurking around? Waiting for a sponsor to be picked up, discovered and found Planned right Olympics will light A torch real bright Translating the reminder killing does not solve the problem Of I got them Instead positive conversation is when To stop something before a wrong button is pressed send

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 6/15/2020 7:47:00 AM
This is brilliant. I feel blessed coming across this page. You have it in you, I will definitely come visiting again to enjoy the blessing of your deep mind. A great piece!
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