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Enlightening Message

Reaction to the poem "My Beautiful Letter Multiply with Others You Make Verse" by James Edward Lee Sr You are a message and up Uplifting, you are You come neatly noted, honey coated with freedom and truth Seeding weaving Alluring words Inspiring power Heightening and enlightening Enveloping everlasting existence You're a message of love, you You are The endless fire you capture here Influencing Warmth, heat, fire Fire creators' Physically floating You're wondrous doting Marvellous message you are Happy Happy happiness brought Tantalising thought You're the mighty miraculous message everybody desires You are the melodious Maestro Harmonising, Inviting Enlightening Sweet solace Ravishing reception The message of peace and love Ahh acceptance ahh All for another message For the better and better An up Uplifting message you are.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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