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Endless- difficult to understand
when everything around us has an end.
All life on earth is destined to disband
with time and age- on that, we can depend.
We comprehend that most things are finite-
not only life- but what's constructed too.
For time corrodes to leave its deathly blight-
on sites that disappear from fields of view.
But endless is applied to those unknowns
that spin beyond our tiny Earthly realm.
The stars and cosmos offer secret zones,
as signs of endless spread- and overwhelm.
Still, to comprehend an endless state,
envisioning no borders that confine,
is hard to comprehend and estimate;
there is no end beyond its own design.
What if there was a box that held it all-
our Universe and others spinning on-
beyond that, what? Another endless sprawl?
We cannot vision endlessness as gone.
February 11, 2023
~1st Place~
Contest: Writing Challenge - E Word
Sponsor: Constance La France
Judged: 02/14/2023
Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2023
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