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End of Palestine Foretold

And now, finally, the curtain is falling on Palestine and there will be no Palestinians left to set free, erased from history. March of history at its cruelest, a grand tragedy foretold, by the misprints of victims on history's canvas, painting white on grey, to the point of oblivion. If history was pregnant with an alternative, we may never know, only the end of line on this bus of history, with crystal clarity. History is a bastard tree drenched in blood, always groomed by the victors, with only marginal notes by the vanquished, like so many weed to root out with sharp blades, beheading the hope of a nation. Peace is nowhere to be found, gone for good, like an alienated neighbor travelling to distant territories, for self-preservation.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/23/2023 5:52:00 PM
You make a lot of good points about the many details that are going on and in the past. After the profiting of the oil and whatever, peace is left in pieces.
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Date: 10/23/2023 12:33:00 AM
so sad, and I hope humanity will rise up once again, heart felt beautiful poetry.
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