Encouraging Words for Trying Times
Longfellow was certainly on the ball,
When he wrote, “Into each life, some rain must fall.”
When the storms of life over us prevail,
right words their tranquil power avail.
In times when sorrows like sea billows roll,
God promises to restore your soul.
When you pass through the waters, He’ll be with you,
The fire will not burn you when you pass through.
When sickness sours the health of being
Know that your faithful God is seeing.
He who allowed not Ishmael to perish,
does His frail children nourish and cherish.
When enemies swarm the righteous man’s trail,
God has promised they will not prevail.
He will in their presence a table spread,
So, if you are righteous, you need not dread.
The Psalms are replete with uplifting words,
which in tough times are like the song of birds.
So, take down your Bible from the shelf,
And with God’s promises acquaint yourself.
Copyright © David Richmond | Year Posted 2024
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