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Of all of the maladies that pay us a call emptiness must be the darkest of all Like a thousand blank pages of an untitled book Or a lifetime of savings that somebody took This consummate void that kills all your drive is made up of darkness and it eats you alive And the world brings the darkness but it offers no cure Just ten thousand treatments that man must explore And just when he thinks that he's found the right one the emptiness stabs through the heart of his fun And blacker than anything blind eyes can see there's nothing at all where your heart ought to be So again and again you try something new in hopes that this darkness has pity on you But alas it shall not for it knows no remorse Your only hope now is in changing your course No hair of the dog will ease your pain It will just further wash your life down the drain You've breastfed on garbage upon the world's teat but the milk has all curdled and is no longer sweet The next time you find yourself down on your knees try talking to God I'm sure He'll be pleased He doesn't barge in He's a gentleman, you know but on your invitation He'll happily show He'll take all that darkness and replace it with light and all of your troubles shall flee like the night So I hope you choose wisely to start life anew You can take it from me I was once just like you © Mike Wise 4-27-23

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 4/28/2023 10:25:00 AM
Whew! This brought tears to my eyes, Michael. Perfectly executed with well chosen words. Very moving! I too have lived that life and saw it all before me as I read. Have a top shelf weekend!
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Michael Wise
Date: 4/28/2023 11:34:00 AM
Many thanks Daniel! Enjoy your weekend as well! :)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry