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Empowering Coinvestments

Feeling economically extorted is like recognizing our collective guilt regarding past ecological extractions. Cooperative motives for proactive economic health investments are harbingers re-enactments co-investments in positive resiliently democratic ecotherapeutic communication outcomes. Economic justice of a particular exchange, of any one transactional communication event, depends not only on the mutually invested/divested short-term and decontextualized un-historicized local outcome But also, restorative economic justice moving toward global cooperative communication peace depends on mutually non-competitive non-violent co-passionate investment intent for long-term historically re-contextualized ecological health benefits to our global regifting, gratitude enlightened, politically empowering economy. Extortion is reverse face of pro-active giving gifting gracing forgiveness liberating redemption from isolation, non-communication, excommunication, marginalization, criminalization, starvation, extraction from our social capital economy predicting more global extortion from our communally wealthy ecologically healthy relationship patterns. So too, extraction is reverse face of reinvestment, natural regeneration, spirited sacred redemption of co-investors hearts, co-messianic hands and feet, co-bodhisattva roots fed by historically multicultural, economically wealthy voices and ecological healthy choices For deeply empowering enlightening absence of distorted competitive extractive kleptocratic extortion Of historically empowered Haves divided from monoculturally disempowered, poor in spirited, HaveNot A fair share of healthy communication potential for re-investing in cooperatively empowering compassionate co-investments And not so much feeling forced into economic extortion furthering ecologically unhealthy extraction from resiliently wealthy co-investments in future health restorative regenerations.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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