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Empathetic Eyes

Somewhere in the world someone was suffering as I laid awake at night and realized my time had come to vindicate my reasoning why I should see with empathetic eyes So cynical was I and full of judgment as a homeless man approached me for a dime I failed to stop and think just for a moment this could be ME at any given time I had to reevaluate my blessings for MANY I’d been given through the years and taking part my heart began confessing my empathetic eyes revived with tears I prayed to God for kindness and compassion to recognize and love humanity and when I asked for His divine direction His empathetic eyes acknowledged me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 6/4/2017 7:53:00 AM
Wonderful story Gayle of awakening to the ways of compassion; wish more could have this revelation. Keep up the good work.
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Gayle Rodd
Date: 6/4/2017 10:56:00 AM
Thank you so much my friend
Date: 5/30/2017 4:26:00 PM
Hello Gayle, This one is a marvelously rendered rhyme which speaks volumes to the importance of kindness and compassion in one's life. Being aware of the blessings that each of us have goes a long way in how each of us approach and interact with others, and how we share a willingness and a spirit to help others in times of need and despair. I'm very glad to see your poem here made on the best new poems list!! Congratulations!! And Best Wishes . . . Gary
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Gayle Rodd
Date: 5/30/2017 6:15:00 PM
Thank you so much Gary. I need a piece of 'humble pie' once in a while and the Lord knows that! ;)
Date: 5/25/2017 9:51:00 PM
Yes, "there but for the grace of God go I" Your poem expresses a lesson we can all aspire to. It is beautifully written! Congratulations on having it on the best new poems list Gayle. Blessings, Connie
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Gayle Rodd
Date: 5/25/2017 10:25:00 PM
Oh it is??? Cool! I'll have to go look! Thank you for reading. :)
Date: 5/5/2017 1:36:00 PM
I think this write is a good reminder of the blessings we've been given, and to take time to remember those who have been less fortunate. A cheerful giver gets back more than he ever gives. Well done, Gayle.
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Gayle Rodd
Date: 5/5/2017 1:53:00 PM
Thanks for reading Lin. I guess I what I tried to convey in this piece is I should have a soft heart for giving just because it's the right thing to do and not because I would need it to benefit me someday, does that make sense? ;p
Date: 5/5/2017 1:35:00 PM
Such a deeply emotive poem Gayle with feelings that I no I can relate to. Though I usually spare some money when I can and the opportunity arises, there was a time that I didn't and felt uncomfortable with the entire situation until the I realized, as your wonderful poem states...that could be me someday. Thanks so much for sharing this.
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Gayle Rodd
Date: 5/5/2017 1:51:00 PM
Thank you, Chris. This was a fictitious character, but I know if I'm being honest I've felt cynical about giving and only because there are people that scam and 'fraud' their way into our generosity and they ruin it for those who truly need it. I guess I was 'once bitten, twice shy' in the past.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry