Why do you try to confine me?
When clearly there is too much debris
In your life that leaves no accommodation for me
Seems I have taken on a new profession
As a warrior princess
Consistently confronting your battles
Feels like I've been stampeded
By a herd of cattle
The melodramatic abuse I have suffered
Is too overwhelming for me
Seems as if I'm only an item to you
Not a person who has been
Scorned by you time and time again
After this long drawn out war
I stand well-established as a Queen
And not as your whore
Emancipate me from this mental imprisonment
So i can move on with another that will engage
My life with love, passion, and tranquility
Something you could never give
Now release me....
So I may live on with my true king
Copyright © Amber Moultry-Harrison | Year Posted 2018
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