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Email And Me

Email? I’d rather eat kale. Texting is more fun to me. An informal decree. Email is- When you have business. When you have something important as a paper letter. What should I write as a header? When I begin. I wonder about the group I’m in. How should I address them all? I’d almost rather make a phone call! Hello all, I’m hoping to make a call I think I sent that a little early… I hope they don’t get surly. But they might be confused. Maybe amused… How did I cause such embarrassment? I wish I never clicked “sent.” Email is when, We all search within. To choose the right word. To be heard. Hello everyone, I hope you are having fun. Wondering what I was trying to share. You are curious, while I despair. Is text better for everyone here? Yes? That’s what I want to hear! So in the end, we decided to use our phones. So we can slouch on the couch in our homes. Hello everyone! Texting is way more fun :)

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