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Elements Part 2: Wind

ELEMENTS part 2: WIND Fiercely, it seemed the furious wind forestalled The baseball game, bat and ball suspended. How now must the players play without palavering all over the green grassy glittering ball field? Each one with helmets, tough hamstrings and hairy chins, Chasing after that classic colored little ball That the bowler spins lifting shins showing that He'll get you out without any fuss for now. A powerful element which elects at times to elope with roofs, Assuming a windy whirling wrecking stance, As though its speed should stall scheduled events For which flyers were planned printed passed around. A heavy task tidying up after this tempestuous wind, After gales of gusty glaring gusts, push you from behind. What a chaotic cheerless crowd, chattering on home, To tell the terrifying tale to others. Title: ELEMENTS part 2: WIND Sponsored by: Brian Davey Contest Deadline: 4/16/2016 @ 12:00:00 AM

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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