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Electric Car By Radio Powered

Leccy Powers in the Air Nikola Tesla knew the score, back there, wayback in 1894, send-em power through the post, bloody radio antennae, sends the ghost , wireless sends the power, from the insulated tower, tuned aeriel sucks the most, fine tuned it is the host, a quarter wave deflowers, when electric car un-powers, recharge from power radio remote, a constant radio wave, unquote, or constant flow empowers, Leccy car you Billy Goat ! :}- So ac power is in the air, detected by the car, right there, powered then the Billy Goat, tuned aerial , sucks in the voltage, know it! Leccy car can run 4 sure! Don't need no petrol, where? just leccy techs, leccy motors go-at, says johnson, with a slight unquote, the new world is to share, if it catches em by the throat, the dimwits wouldn't dare, but some ones got to show it ? Eg frequency of 27 megacycles cb radio 27,000,000 a second. So put a 9 foot antennae on you car to receive the signal current? It works out shorter for much faster frequencies like your mobile phone. A few inches, a few centimeters etc... So the sent electricity gets collected at the right length antennae and runs the leccy motor in your car...sounds cool to me … id be wearing wellies or gum boots to avoid a shock from the powered antennae 250volts maybe, if I touched it:} kill switches needed hey... Don Johnson BEFORE 20,000 YEARS AGO THE ATLANTEAN PEOPLE OF THE RED SKIN TYPE, HAD SUBMARINES AND AEROPLANES. {VALIXI}. POWERED AND CONTROLLED BY RADIO WAVES TECHNOLOGY REMOTELY..{ARE WE TOO RETARDED TO DO IT???}...INDUS VALLEY PEOPLE HAD VIMANA FLYING MACXHINES TOO AT THAT TIME....AND WROTE HOW FIX THE MERCURY ENGINE... Do we have to res-surect ole Tesla? to get it to work? ac electricity can be transmitted through the air! as he said... easily converted to dc voltage by in power supplys.... like having your own power pole on the car...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 9/18/2014 7:59:00 PM
Do we have to res-surect ole Tesla? to get it to work? ac electricity can be transmitted through the air! as he said... easily converted to dc voltage by in power supplys.... like having your own power pole on the car...
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