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Electric Blue-The Plugged in Biograph

My first recollection of life was "Hey Jude" on the car radio I thought that was the coolest thing I'd ever heard But at three years of age how much living have you really done And from experiences what have I learned? Looking through electric blue Then I was ushered through The Seventies Outside a world in turmoil, inside me a battle raged As this introvert digested all that he's seen and heard And at decade's end was coming of age Still looking through electric blue So came The Eighties and poser's dues were due This dilettante joined an air band every Saturday night Loved'em and left'em Does that light have to be so bright? Still looking through electric blue Through the Nineties and as the Millennium approached things seemed out of place Kids seeing things through a kaleidoscope A change of guard I suppose but I don't leave my post willingly, but I do leave a legacy in my poem tome Still looking through electric blue I forgot to mention the most important event And before I close it must be said That even though one day I will die I will not be dead Now looking (with a new perspective) though electric blue

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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