Einstein and Bucky's Fifth Quarter
Why didn't you remind people
that spacetime relativityship
is double-bound temporal
and fractally revolutioned rhythm
under the RNA Root-Zero Metric Assumption
of 3 spatial-CAG
and 1 bilateral U dipolar progenitive time-functional only dimension
equals a Zero-Moment (+/-,-)c-squared spacetime-centric
balancing thermodynamic theory?
Why didn't you choose my word "relativity"
rather than your more positive-slanted "synergy",
or even "nondual regeneration" of time invested in spatial light/dualdark
functions of bilaterally embryonic space,
in your geometrics of universal consciousness?
Eulerian prime relationality is midway positive
but also double-knotted and fractal negative,
as convex-within co-binary relationship.
If Synergetics has a positive stance,
it may also be true
that "relativity" has a negatively-reductive slant.
Zero-Core Concave/Convex Universe
uniting in Prime Relationship
feels more nondually transparent
than a Universal Theory of Relativity...
but, oh yes, by the way,
your relative-relationship of space and time story
takes universal place
within our shared assumption
of space as 4 equidimensional dynamics
as Prime Fractal Reiterative DiPolar +Yang-U/-(-Yin)-C
square-root co-relationally Radiant
co-elational not-not absent diastatic-equidimensional balanced
emergent-regenerative sacred space
co-defining binomial prime temporal relationship.
I don't recall saying anything about fractals,
although I did stipulate a 3-Space and 1-Time
as we know it in human bilateral
But c-squared Energy of Time's appositional dipolar measure
begins with a fractal
of revolving radiant dialectical win/win structures
cooperatively nurturing ecological light.
Square roots
regenerate metric-logical
naturhythmic fractals.
To measure the speed of light's 0-Core Time
as "c-squared"
is to point directly at Bohm's Implicate Order
of fractal temporal form,
dialectical relative dipolar stasis
and flowing dynamic synergy
st-ringing polypathic
polynomial paradigmatic
cooperative communication theory.
You think too much in verbal ecologic.
Math and metaphysics
boil and toil and trouble
more inclusive Group (0)-soul numeric Theory
for bicameral logic's
co-passionate Thought/Felt Experiments.
have you been following what Thurston
and Perelman
and those folks
have been saying
about the double-elliptical binding 0-soul core
of any integrative,
and logically functional,
rational ecosystem?
Einstein: No, zero is much too small
to timelessly hold
my eternally universal interest.
Not that I always need the last word
but zero is also much too timeless
to not never share our expansive
enlightening and co-empowering
sacred EarthShip consciousness.
That was a good revolving one.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2015
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