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Eighteen Years Too Late: Echoes of Regrets

In the tapestry of time, a story is spun, Of hearts entwined beneath the sun. It began in the halls of youth's embrace, Where two souls met, face to face. In the halls of Primary, their eyes did meet, A silent exchange, a moment sweet. Both admired, yet silence reigned, In their hearts, a love restrained. Through the years of Secondary's call, In class 11b and 12b, they stood tall. But amidst the whispers and shared glances, Their love remained mere happenstances. She had her beau, he had his flame, Yet their hearts danced to a silent refrain. In the corridors of academia, they tread, But the words of love remained unsaid. With graduation's bell, their paths diverged, She left for distant lands, her heart submerged. He too ventured forth, seeking his fate, But her memory lingered, a cherished weight. In the bustling streets of Boroko's sprawl, A chance encounter, fate's silent call. But courage faltered, words went astray, As he watched her fade, heart in disarray. Years rolled by like waves on sand, Yet she remained, a guiding hand. Facebook brought a glimmer of hope, As he reached out, tethered to love's rope. A present, a note, on her birthday's dawn, A meeting arranged, to right a wrong. But doubts lingered, fears abounded, As they stood apart, their hearts confounded. She smiled, he stumbled, lost in her grace, The echoes of their past, a bittersweet embrace. But time slipped away, like tears in rain, Leaving him haunted by what might have been. Life moved on, paths diverged, But her presence remained, his heart surged. Until fate's hand, at his Uncle's memorial, Brought them together, in a bittersweet spell. Her anger softened, as she drew near, A hug shared, a moment dear. But questions lingered, unanswered still, As he watched her leave, heart heavy with ill. Across oceans wide, a continent apart, Their lives unfolded, connected by heart. Until one day, a message came, A voice from the past, igniting love's flame. Hours passed, words flowed, As they poured out their hearts, emotions aglow. Regrets voiced, apologies made, In the silence of night, love's serenade played. But time cannot be rewound, nor wounds undone, And though their love endured, battles were won. For in the tapestry of life, regrets may fade, But love's eternal flame will never degrade. So let this tale be a lesson learned, Of love's resilience, though bridges burned. For in the end, what matters most, Is the love we give, our hearts engrossed. With fond memories, E.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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