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Eidos of History

In America’s Pragmatism, the urgent question is "of" individual sanctity now can be tweeted as: “what is the Pragmatic or Aesthetic function "of" ******** or PUSSY, anyway?” and "of" the 2 types of Humanity: the Good Dudes and the Bad Dudes— in the view of this “Trash Culture” or “Pseudo Culture”! In European Phenomenology, it is about "aboutness," about, for example, the 4 kinds of people: the Ass-holes, the Ass-wipes, the Ass-kissers, and those who **** all over the world and come home as “Sir”! some of those exist in the understanding, some in reality! Phenomenologically speaking, persons should be explored like an uncharted wild terrain— a person reflects the society he/she lives in. In an African Perspective, there is only one Human race in one Home called Dachii, Oikos: Ume Walaabuu baate— Creation began at Walaabu! Nutu kana, natu akkana— We are, therefore, I am! safuu! oofuu! ubuntu! We Africans are not uncivilized We are civilized differently— and maladjusted with different thought patterns! Simply put, it is too much a "Progress" folks too much to cope with one is too shallow, the other is too deep a "Civilization" to figure out and too hard to focus. Africa, oh Africa land of Love&Light happy to be maladjusted? _______ Operational Definitions of "Eidos" and "Oikos": Eidos: -for Ronald Barthes "eidos" = appearance, idea, constitutive nature, -or as a Greek term, it means "form" "essence", "type" or "species". Oikos -is a Greek term for English prefix: eco- for "ecology" to refer to three related but distinct concepts: the family, the family's property, and the house Who said the ancestry of human knowledge is Greek or Latin anyway?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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