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Earth's Revenge

Collaboration with Marcello Eans Why are you all bound and determined to destroy me? What have I done to you that makes you hate me so much? I’ve given you life and provided for you families. You’ve done nothing in return but ruin what you’ve touched. Timber – and my limbs fall, leaves will wither. Paper bags & adult mags, end result is litter. Trash & filthy waste, landfill in my face. Trees, an endangered species you can never replace. Forever you’re chasing wildlife for game, not need. Carcasses scattered abroad, they get shot & bleed. Prodigal sons, generation of wasteful people. Ungrateful & insecure, you alter your facial features. I don’t feel the least bit guilty for causing earthquakes, Or, from the mountaintops, raining down fire and ash. I watch with a grin as you all try to claim your stake And find a safe place where you hope to avoid my wrath. Tsunamis that misplace mommies, families divide. Airborne sicknesses and death hide in mudslides. The pains of hurricanes, reminiscent of Genesis Wipeout the lifestyles of the wicked & innocent. Just as man is never satisfied, destruction isn’t either. These disasters consume life to make you believers In that you reap what you sow in this life of lust. Return from whence you came, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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