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Earthquake and Jumping Jenner

'TWAS 4PM yesterday, my daughter called and shouted. "Did you feel the earthquake, Mom?" Oddly, I did not, though we live near each other. Last night there were forty aftershocks. I felt so cheated somehow and I pouted. Life must need a spark when a earthquake you must feel! Perhaps become a man, like Caitlyn Jenner, would be more fun. Wear lovely dresses and my hair in a man-bun? Oops, cannot do that either? The Woke-Parol demanded I may not call it that!! I have the perfect answer.. Binary-Bun!! Perfect for summer, as I race for Governor of California. As my faithful followers, cheer me on! In this most auspicious, political race. Come on down, if you can you keep pace!! 7/9/2021 Caitlyn Jenner...running to unseat Gavin Newsom, Known as "Lockdown Louie!"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/11/2021 8:25:00 AM
Earthquakes are so different. No warning, no sirens they just hit. Governor Newsom needs to go he has no appreciation of freedom or the constitution.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/11/2021 8:47:00 AM
You hit the nail on the head Elena. And Newsom has ruined this great state. Hope people vote him out. I don't care if it's a R or a D. This is Cuomo's twin nemesis.. PR xx
Date: 7/10/2021 1:07:00 PM
I am amazed that you slept through the earthquake, I agree with Tom. Caitlin might do a better job. Madelyn McKay
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/10/2021 1:34:00 PM
Hey, Madelyn, thank you. As with was 4ppm in the afternoon. Hello? I don’t sleep that early..LOL Not entire cities, shake equally anywhere. My daughter said she felt none of the 40 aftershocks. It was Eddie’s first earthquake! In nearly 15 years. We are not in SF. In the Marina, we lived in blgds built on sand. OMG. Rock and Rock! Binary_Bun Will out do Sleazy Newsom. A twin to Cuomo. Merci.
Date: 7/9/2021 4:11:00 PM
Wow, how did you manage to sleep through that one.? Caitlyn might do a better job then newsom. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/10/2021 8:52:00 AM
I was not was 4pm in the afternoon. In different parts of the city, people feel it differently. In a city of 66,000 it never is the same. Caitlyn might me better. Newsom is a nightmare plus
Date: 7/9/2021 1:03:00 PM
I draw the line at the 'man bun.' If we could have a month where we are allowed to hunt them and thin out the herd... I'm all for it. Remember California... vote soon and vote often. Have a great day my friend.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 7/9/2021 1:17:00 PM
Any Blue State ,David, fans the flames of vote early, vote often"" lol..thin out the herd. Humorous.! After the quake, building an underground shelter to hide from RABID VACCINATORS. €%"@# THIS IS NOT STALINGRAD. NOR ARE THOSE COMING TO POISON US..EIZZENGRUPEN. I AM NOT POISOINING MY HEART NOR IMMUNE SYSTEM!

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