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Earth Disturbers

Hoping and praying for peace, and peace of mind. The earth disturbers are busy. They will not leave well enough alone. They do not work in harmony with nature. Their idea of balancing out the Eco system is to destroy it. The earth disturbers are busy... We who are trying hard to survive. Will not rest until calm is restored to the planet. They run amuck defiling and slaying every creature. Every tree every lake, stream and river. The earth disturbers are causing havoc and smile at each successful misdeed. Smiling at the ocean polluted. Smiling at the elephant slayed; Smiling at every tusk grabber, at every dead whale, smiling at every abused child; The earth disturbers are rejoicing. For every human that falls prey to their wickedness. The earth is bleeding. People are dying for naught. The whirlwind has been summoned. Love has been abandoned for power and control. By this depletion, pain is inflicted daily; Vanity and, insanity is the order of the day. Vainly misconstrued evil will be washed away. With such a shaky foundation the destructive arrogance of the earth disturbers, is appearing everywhere.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 8/4/2022 5:50:00 PM
An honest and true piece that captures the state of our world right now. It is so awful. Such vivid imagery and well chosen diction, I enjoyed this and the hard truths you speak of. This is a message for all to hear. Thank you for sharing!
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