Earle E Cleveland
I remember you and I
How we sat to lunch summer after summer
I remember you and I
The small scope critic and the pearl sweet preacher
We lunched in the Bronx, feasted
In Manhattan, the wasted
Cancer fled, I have not forgotten
For then you brimmed my soul with heaven
You lived your sermons then, and I
Saw faith's ladder and touched the sky.
I remember you and I
And either side of that wheelchair, she calling
O she calling, you I
Her two boyfriends, and her bright eyes twinkling
To see you jealous still
And we playing her will
Could shed that moment for heaven's grace
And serve the word without trims and lace
O yes, how bless I was those days
To worship where you made your praise.
I remember you and I
Surprised that greatness could be so humble still
I remember you and I
How you favored me when all by you was still
I read Hope of the Race
And a tumult took place
In my village world, O way back then,
I traveled here from the margin, friend
To find your shadow and to learn
Mysteries of grace as I yearn.
I remember you and I
Was this all men form bonds for, and death to break
I remember you and I
O pulpiteer, shall it hold again when we wake
Shall the cancer fled day
Hold against mortal fray
Lord yield me thy Spirit to obey
And walk like you 'long the tortured way
You lived your sermons then, and I
Saw faith's ladder and touched the sky.
Copyright © David Smalling | Year Posted 2011
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