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Each Tear

Poet's Notes

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Written on November 11, 2024



Softly, tears falling, gentle pearls From the oyster of life, Where the heart dances and twirls, Leaving traces of her light, Softly, tears falling, in silent swirls. Quietly, tears tumbling, erasing desires, From the senses, the promise Hopes who listen to the heart’s fires, Leaving reflections of her smile, Displayed in the light who life requires. Kindly, tears flowing, despairing of potential, From the meaning of a kindness, Where we remember, the only true essential, Is the Presence of the Savior, The One who makes a way to the influential. Purposefully, tears remind our broken heart, From the senses, flows a meaning, Healing the spirit with the tears, a fresh start, From the moment when the tears end, And, the light begins to transcend, like art. Gradually, all our tears will disappear, From our lives, leaving us feeling surreal, Like we’re the ones who overcame – we can cheer, Feeling reassured and like we’re empowered, By the joy that comes from knowing tears we won’t fear… Because God has soothed away our pain, Left us reassured, with our whole life to regain, Overcoming the worst thunder and rain, Thankful and blessed, God will forever remain, The reason we’re hopeful, the real reason we’re sane! When a heart cries, leaving shadows in our eyes, There is One who abides, with love we can’t disguise, Love that decides – forever, beyond the blue skies, He offers us the Comforter who always supplies… The heart, soul and spirit – with love that gives me butterflies…. Love that is alive, wiping away each tear I cry

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/11/2024 6:09:00 AM
Such a heartfelt write Regina of his love supplying the heart, soul and spirit with his love. The comforter, the forgiver, the one worthy to be praised. Our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ... So tender and beautiful to read this. God bless you for praising him in this magnificent Poem...
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