Each Passing Cloud
I sit by the shore, looking out onto the sea
Slowly the wild blue crawls towards
A clasp, a tight embrace to my feet
I feel it pulling me down effortlessly.
I look up to see a cloud passing by
Gliding through, soaring high
A soft sight and misty white vision to see
And there it goes- into the unknown.
Another comes, like the rhythmic tide
That's pulling at my leg but I can fight
I can count each passing cloud,
They tell me, "Get up, you'll be free"
"Get up and you can fly like me."
I stretch my hand to the mystic sky and
With each passing cloud, I fight off the sea
The sea is sadness, cloud is bliss
I must await the bliss, ignore what's amiss.
Henceforth when I see a cloud passing by,
It gives hope to stand up and fight.
Copyright © Akanksha Ayantika | Year Posted 2024
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