Each Passing Cloud
Each passing cloud, a new day formed
with floating dreams of human song.
Traveling slow in winds’ fair breath
to places where earth hearts still long.
Above the cares of life below
possessing warmth, rain or cold,
our future of the day bestows,
a fleecy bed or stormy bold.
More than vapor, air and smog
sometimes we venture in the midst
and feel the might of floating force
that shakes a jet like angry fists.
Each passing cloud, a memory fond
of times mankind touched heights profound
and with our knowledge passed them by
in stratospheres to moondust bound.
Cumulus, cirrus, stratus, and nimbus,
varied clouds of changing face.
Skyborne pillows bless our sights,
each passing cloud, an earthly grace.
Each passing cloud Poetry Contest
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Copyright © Janis Medders Tobechi | Year Posted 2023
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