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Aint what I thought you were guess now I'm a punk them rings and things guess you call it stuff and junk had me going scheming triffling thing our relationship is over just let me be don't come round here I aint got nothing left to say you got what you want Woman just stay away loopside love a distorted reality find your way with him baby just let me be From The Movie Hocus Pocus the songs of real black witches. Nalliss Noche a woman who beleives in open relationships. Her "Urban Sound" courtsey of Music Majic and Song. Wierding menz Is what I do with samples of Course You Are by Plimb Cussie and the Plimb Cussie Tripe. Sounds of Music and The lyrics of Woman used with persmission by Go-Go Trival and the Fabulos Triff. " A Second Chance at Marrage" features Amuff and Gripp from Ya'll and Them Music Company.A second Chance at Marrage(Remix)" done by Big Greazzie and Plump: from Backside and Proud Music Group. "She Lucky" sang by Miss Hoss I. Bee with arrangments by the Terrible Two?wiff Marry Wanna" and Leek Caul Stuff, from Ya'll Phatt!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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