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Dutch Treat

You want equality so our dates are going to be Dutch Treat. When we go to restaurants, you will pay for what you eat. When we go to the movie theater, you will pay for your popcorn and movie ticket. If you don't like having to spend your own cash, tough, you know where you can stick it. Don't expect me to pull out chairs and open doors for you. You want equality so those are things that you will have to do. You don't want to have to pay your own way so you're starting to shout. Now you're holding your breath like a child and you just passed out. You've finally regained consciousness after behaving like a four year old would act. You won't convince me to foot the entire bill and you'd better believe that's a fact. When we go on dates, it will be 50/50, the person who pays your way won't be me. You're angry even though you're getting what you want, you're getting equality.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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