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During Infancy

During Infancy During infancy the wires on the TVs, which transmit or get signals, were responsible for my fast brain growth at 4 weeks. My first words: declare to be true and affirmative. The metal pole leaning up against a backyard veranda square post gave off this comfy vibe that quickly made better my visual acuity, especially made better my depth perception. I could localise these sounds: taps dripping in my parents’ (I could hear their voices in the first two hours of life) ensuite, could hear taps dripping in the upstairs one too; the breathing of insects and rats and mice in the walls; the walls cracking in the attic; the life outside. I could sit without any support, walk at two months, run with no effort or difficulty at 3 months. I was the best at object permanence development. Turning my head 360 degrees was easy, too easy. My pupils dilated at 3 weeks. Focus to new stimulus was award worthy, no doubt about it. Too was my habituation (lessened orientating response) to done again stimulus. Skipped babbling. Spoken language was ultra high. Not surprisingly, my temperamental individuality was, well, difficult. I wasn’t easy to deal with. Seldom I wasn’t fast to warm up. Bond to parents, grandparents, was ON and OFF secure, thus facilitate exploration was ON and OFF. ON and OFF separation anxiety. “Stranger Anxiety” on 11 +.

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