Drip, Drop, Drip
Drip, drop, drip.
Some blood and some tears
As I look down the wasted years.
Gone, ever lost, and outside my grasp
I wake to my nightmare with a gasp.
Drip, drop, drip.
Drip, drop, drip.
Sweat splatters as I run
Constant to keep my mind numb.
Toiling always, back to the sun,
That to my depression I won’t succumb.
Drip, drop, drip.
Pitter, patter, pit.
As my emotions run deep.
My heart into my thoughts finally did seep.
I cannot shake the presence of regret
As I see down the road the family I will never have met.
Pitter, patter, pit.
Drop, drip, drop.
Take the time, a bit, and mourn.
Let your heart and countenance be forlorn.
Rush not, but rest and heal.
Then perhaps you may be the gent ideal.
Drop, drip, drop.
Drop, drip, drop.
Awaken upon a new day.
Open your eyes, and see the world as it lay.
A playground, indeed, and overflowing with life.
Chances for joy truly are rife.
Drop, drip, drop.
Copyright © Jonathan J. | Year Posted 2015
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