Dress Up For Grownups
* for "Halloween Costume" contest sponsored by SKAT*
Oh I've had many wacky costumes through the years
Just to show folks nothing is as it appears!
Once I dressed as a pirate and wore videos
A cable wire necklace and swashbuckler clothes
I was a video pirate and some people guessed
When they saw vcr tapes in my treasure chest
Another time I had antennae and big wings
Dressed like a gypsy with my necklaces and rings
I was a gypsy moth,not many even knew
They'd stare at me and laugh but didn't have a clue
And sorry to say but once I was a pregnant nun
Irreverent,I know,but it was so much fun!
When all else fails and you are kind of in a hurry
Here's a last minute one so you don't have to worry
Put P on a t-shirt,blacken up one eye
You'll be a black-eyed pea,it's good for a stand-by!
I've been a box of Kleenex and a trophy wife
And all the normal,boring things you see in life
But being a creative soul I've tried to be
At Halloween something you don't usually see!
Copyright © Deb Wilson | Year Posted 2010
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