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Dragon's Anguish

Dragon Anguish Adam clenched his fists attempting to block his senses from the growing growls that hammered against his rib cage. The thousands of millenniums he had lived barricading his heart from all worldly emotions. Adam looked up at the daunting sky to flaunting dark clouds creep overhead. He breathed in the sweetest aroma of petrichor. Thunder grumbled breaking the silence in the coldness, as strikes of white lightning flashed across the night sky. He couldn't stop the desire to shift into a dragon and fly. To feel the wind beneath him again, to stretch his wings and weave between the clouds and roar. Adrienne, his beloved was a mortal. She was a lovely lithe blossom that he had vowed to protect. Her smile would inspire leaves turn green and flowers bloom and burst into color. Her eyes were the color of the forest that would shimmer like the night sky with a thousand stars. She had a riot of long burnt umber hair that cascaded down her slender back. His memory's grip, craving her, again and again. Kisses that engulfed and would open the doors of heaven. Releasing a fiery passion within him engulfing his world. When Adam had been gone hunting for food for several days. Men from another clan came down from the hills pillaged and burned the village, not a soul had been left alive. He raised his head and gazed into the night, never again would he unlock his soul. Adam shifted and jumped as he spread his leathery wings and flew in the cover of the night sky and the clap of thunder. 10/13/2018
Poetry Contest: Fiction - October 2018 Writing Challenge Sponsored by: Dear Heart a.k.a. Broken Wings

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 11/10/2018 5:54:00 AM
I enjoyed this, well written
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Date: 11/6/2018 5:55:00 PM
Hello Eve, this would be good for children's poetry. I enjoyed it. Have a nice evening my friend.
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Eve Roper
Date: 11/6/2018 9:50:00 PM
Thank you Darlene.. you made my day.. Hugs
Date: 10/30/2018 7:46:00 AM
Nice and sad! Good job
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Date: 10/26/2018 9:17:00 AM
Eve, oh my goodness! Let me wipe my tears away. You are not just a poet but a storyteller too. You poured your sadness into this remarkable story and I am pleased to give it first place in my contest, congratulations!
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Date: 10/25/2018 9:56:00 AM
Magnificent, Eve! What an imaginative tale. You ARE a story-teller! Congrats on your top win with this one. Best wishes, Gershon
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Date: 10/25/2018 9:47:00 AM
Congrats!!! on your top win, Eve...or should I say Dragon Lady & light...^WW^
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Date: 10/13/2018 6:51:00 AM
Beautifully penned, Eve. Such mythological imagery. Totally delightful.
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Eve Roper
Date: 10/13/2018 8:25:00 AM
Thank you , Line. :)
Date: 10/13/2018 5:59:00 AM
Oh, my,Eve. Wow! This poem stunned me. I can picture this dragon searing down everything in his path with his sadness. So well-written! I am loving this poem. A FAV for me, Eve.
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Eve Roper
Date: 10/13/2018 8:27:00 AM
I love the compliment, Caren, I will never turn them down ... :) Thank you for the inspiring compliment and the fav.
Date: 10/13/2018 4:08:00 AM
This is a bit different than your usual poems, but I liked it, very nice and it also made me smile, I will tell you later!
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Eve Roper
Date: 10/13/2018 8:29:00 AM
Thank you, Arthur, it is appropriate for me at this time because of the anguish I feel :'( in any form
Date: 10/13/2018 2:11:00 AM
I enjoyed your mythological verse Eve, well written Tom.
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Eve Roper
Date: 10/13/2018 8:30:00 AM
Thank you, Tom,,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things