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Double Standards Part Two

Recently the United States of America's Supreme Court struck done Roe VS Wade! And thus put the issue where it rightfully belongs! Upon each individual states and thus far 13 states! Have either voted to restrict abortions or prevent them! Whereas other states, such as New York and California. Will be covering the full costs of out of state abortions with their own tax payers expenses! There is a domestic terrorist pro choice group called "Jane's Revenge!" Which promises "a summer of rage! And if abortions aren't safe than you aren't either!" And they have been targeting pro life crisis pregnancy centers and pro life churches!" The Senate Republicans have been encouraging the Biden administration for protection. There is one pro life Texas church which is providing its own "highly trained security forces." Pro choice groups advocate "that's a woman's body to do with as she choices.' Pro life groups maintain that the unborn child inside its mother's womb is a separate person. And as such has its own legal rights! Rights of unborn children need to be protected! Abortion is nothing more than, premeditated first degree murder of unborn children! But instead of condemning women who had abortions! These groups provided the necessary spiritual, psychological and psychical badly needed care. Domestic pro choice terrorists are thus targeting and victimizing women! There was one pro choice activist that claimed on her sign,"Fetus are delicious!" Thus those who are part of the pro choice movement, are being deceived by the power of demonic forces! Whether or not they are aware of it! During some pro choice demonstration's at pro life events, The protesters countenances looked just like devils! It is because they are posses by devils! God has protected those in the pro life movements from all of the threats of those pro choice domestic terrorists at all of their events! God has dispatched his angels to protect these men and women from the power of people who are possess by demonic forces! In the past I knew several pro choice Democrats, who wanted me to join the Republican Party. And all of these decades and a whole century latter! I have done just exactly that join the Republican Party! But it took Biden's socialist agendas for me to do it! The Democrats do not want pro life people in their party! But they have a brave few people; who are pro life Democrats! Whether they like it or not Amen! Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea/ October Country June 25, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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