Double Standards
You don't miss a slice off a cut loaf
At least that's what most cheaters would say.
But they're not talking about their wives
Because in their minds they have surmised
That their wives would never view life this way
So if this is a carved in stone fact
About how all of our wives would react
I for one would sure appreciate
If someone out there could set me straight
How wives handle this issue with tact.
Men crave what they see on the big screen
And are constantly caught in between
Wanting what it is that they can't get
Forget about heart aches and regret
Last time I looked men ain't all prom queens
So come on boys let's all rally round
And try not let the male species down
All I ask is that we recognize
I am not trying to patronize
But shouldn't the real kings wear the crown.
Copyright © Joe Murphy | Year Posted 2014
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