Don'T Need It
I never had your love and I Don't need it
I don't keep anything hidden because people don't know how to hold secrets
I give you my broken Heart, Both pieces
I never had your love and I don't need it
The outcast who was always left out is stronger than ever
Instead of flying off the handle I've learned to land better
when i'm with people i can't always articulate
But when I give my food for thought everyone will want a Bigger plate
I hope they learn, even though many don't Deserve their meals
They kicked me while I was down and are part of the reason for the hurt I feel
I used to dress my thoughts up, but I learned to Grow out of it
Sorry to break it to everyone, but I don't Know how to quit
I used to crave love because my parents gave none to me
But I'm going to make a joke out of the bullies who made fun of me
Even though I wear my caps fitted, if you disrespect me I'll snapback
I may have shed the first tears, but I promise I will Laugh last
I was made me to feel worthless, but now I know my worth
You can Call me weak because I'm an emotional guy and I show my hurt
But I'm good with who I am, and don't care if you like me or not
I survived everything that was thrown at me, feel free to take another shot
I never had your love and I Don't need it
I don't keep anything hidden because people don't know how to hold secrets
I give you my broken Heart, Both pieces
I never had your love and I don't need it
Copyright © Alex Duffy | Year Posted 2017
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