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Donald Trump will reign for eight years, Troy Black

It was the Holy Spirit that recently told internet pod-caster You Tube, internet prophet Troy Black. Who's a young married man with five very young children. According to him, his prophecies always come true, but he highly recommends his viewers and his followers--to check things out for themselves. "The Holy Spirit did not say that he would be elected president." There is some one else, who is largely being ignored, who is equally as capable of being elected president. Could he mean Florida Governor Ron DeSantis , who just dropped out of the presidential race? Leaving the Republican playing field between Nikki Haley and former president Donald Trump. Earlier, this Christian political commentator, strongly advised against either endorsing or for voting for Governor Nikki Haley. In case Donald Trump wasn't able to run cause; I wasn't in favor of her open boarder policy. But that was yesterday and 'yesterday's ain't no more.' That was when Ron DeSantis was still in the playing field, but our Lord and our Savior, Jesus Christ, knew that his home state of Florida, really needed him much more right now. However, when it comes between Joe Biden or Nikki Haley, it's much better to both vote for and endorse her instead. Once she clearly sees our boarders great illegal immigrants migration is currently non maintainable, she will most likely see the light, and secure our national boarders. [Who will the Democrats get instead of Joe Biden? When Joe Biden even mentioned himself, "You should probably vote for Donald Trump."] More than likely he's well aware of his rapidly diminishing mental and physical health and well being. Even though his own party is trying to conceal it by covering it up. People are making fun of him because of it and it's totally unfair for them to do so. But who is going to run his Biden's crime family if 'the head of snake' is unable to due so cause of diminishing mental capacities? Especially, if born again conservative Christian, Republican speaker of the House, Representative Mike Johnson is still Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Since Jesus Christ put one of His own advanced army member's in power. He's well both willing and able to keep him in power, all according to His Omnipotent's His and Omnipresent's holy and divine will! In recent polls, "75% of all Americans don't want 2024, to be a replay of 2020." Will it happen that way? Roxanne Lea Dubarry Roxy Lea 1954/ October Country 01/21/24

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