Does God Do What We Want
How do you know what God is going to do?
I used to do that a lot
I would say "I know You are going to do this
I know You are not going to do that"
Until one day I just blurted out to myself
"How do you know what God is going to do?"
The funny thing is the minute I said that
I felt things lifted off me
Barriers come down
Do you know those are the limits we put on God?
Can't do this
Can't do that
Do it this way
as if God is our beck and call
Is He?
I don't know
But He sure does not like to take orders
Just like we would not like to take orders
Ha the thing we do to people
- the thing we do to God!
Okay God whatever You want to do
as long as You do it my way
Lol just kidding God
Whatever You want to choose!
You can do this today
Or You can do it tomorrow
Any day You choose it
Haha just kidding again God
It's so hard!
I can never do what You want
Just like You can never do what I want
Ahh but You are God
So You can do what we want
I'd better get out of here
before He knocks me over the head lol
Copyright © Toquyen Harrell | Year Posted 2015
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