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Do You Have My Back

Do You Have My Back? (Loyalty) Earn my trust Earn my allegiance Allegiance professes commitment Allegiance is pure dedication Dedication proper and steadfast Dedication allows peace of mind Mind not at ease when lacking Mind needs constancy Constancy denotes dependability Constancy communicates so not to alienate Alienate an enemy Alienate frenemies they reek of perfidiousness Perfidiousness will lead to deceit Perfidiousness feels like betrayal Betrayal is a human trait Betrayal like a wound that is familiar Familiar ends with liar Familiar should not create duplicity Duplicity is not overt Duplicity will use falsity to hurt Hurt is at times begins covert Hurt can lead to a life reclusive and remote Remote must find a resolution Remote reattachment requires swift amends Amends may counteract negative damage Amends must be sincere to fortify prior commitment Commitment rectified can even strengthen devotion Commitment combined with action can rebuild trustworthiness Trustworthiness is key to avoid treachery Trustworthiness sought must be a given to receive Receive it and bask in the glory Receive and attain a security worth more than gold Gold is nil compared to trust Gold cannot outweigh a true friend who has your back Back another up with their true interests at heart Back a friend and feel the heartfelt commitment Commitment is for the resilient Commitment makes one’s heart feel secure Secure attachment from each other Secure feelings are bound by devotion Devotion is priceless Devotion empowers liberation Liberation allows one to live freely Liberation enables dissidence Dissidence unreleased can grow black inside Dissidence with adulation can be expressed Expressed to a mirror when unaccompanied Expressed aloud when appropriately linked Linked to others forges faith Linked reciprocally is fidelity Fidelity Faith Written for Loyalty contest; entered too late I strived to nail the form!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 4/29/2016 10:39:00 PM
An awe inspiring piece my friend. With a perfect ending! To do his and maintain that smooth flow amazes me and its a true gem..A7
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Jill Spagnola
Date: 5/1/2016 8:19:00 PM
You are so generous with your comments my friend!!..I'm still a diamond in the ruff:), I'll take "true gem" status ANYday...So glad my work inspired you!peace, jill
Date: 4/29/2016 8:02:00 AM
This is not a simple form of poetry but you've done it justice, Jill. Your thoughts rang true to me as I read the values you used in this strong write. Ending with 'Fidelity and Faith' was poetic perfection.
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Jill Spagnola
Date: 4/29/2016 8:51:00 AM
Thank you Lin, for taking time to read my work (long one!) and your kind encouraging comments :), jill
Date: 4/29/2016 6:53:00 AM
At the security of feelings, heart may tell the secret of the rings and fate. Congrat. Truth begins with 3 F: Feeling, Fidelity, Faith
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Jill Spagnola
Date: 4/29/2016 8:53:00 AM
Ovidiu, thank you for taking the time to read this 50 liner! Also for sharing your knowledge and respecting my work :)< jill

Book: Reflection on the Important Things