Do You Believe In Angels?
I believe in the whisper of wings
unseen but felt,
like a soft breeze brushing past
on the stillest of days.
I believe in the sudden glow
of warmth within
when shadows press too close,
when the world seems
too heavy to bear.
Not in halos or robes,
not in golden trumpets,
but in the gentle nudge
toward the right path—
a stranger’s kind word,
the resilience of a child’s laughter,
the steadfast light
of the moon watching over us all.
I believe in moments that shimmer
like dewdrops caught in dawn,
where grace lingers quietly,
unassuming, unnoticed by many,
but undeniable once found.
Perhaps angels are not
what stories say—
not celestial beings
descending in splendor,
but the hidden threads
weaving miracles into the mundane.
So yes,
I believe in angels—
not because I’ve seen them,
but because I’ve felt them.
Copyright © Susmita Mukherjee | Year Posted 2025
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