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Do We Have Free Will

Where lies free will, if we be not awake, enslaved by senses, in bondage to mind, fears and desires unable to forsake, floundering in darkness, as do the blind? We know not who we are and yet we spar, questioning not our conditioned belief, so without purpose we’ve drifted afar, having not resolve to turn a new leaf. In states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep, we find that in the labyrinth we’re lost, so unless consciousness takes a big leap, hemmed in thus, our soul pays a heavy cost. Knowing that we know not, let us find out, how may mind and heart become free from doubt. How may mind and heart become free from doubt, by knowing truth of soul and that of God, that immune from fears that twirl us about, gentling every touch, we give love our nod? First things first, we must learn to stand erect, by melding head with our tremulous heart, doing always as conscience does direct, that ego and soul do not stand apart. The process then requires our surrender, dwelling in silence, choosing to be still, deeming all souls one, no hearts asunder, in seamless resonance with divine will. Reworded, we become a child again, clinging neither to pleasure nor to pain. Clinging neither to pleasure nor to pain, our soul’s consciousness enters witness mode, receptive and acceptant, free from stain, nestled in bliss, makes the heart it’s abode. Upon choosing to make love our mainstay, we flow like the breeze with nonchalant ease and doing nothing, ego falls away, whereupon cravings of lower mind cease. Free from desire, awareness self-aware, beholds its luminescence with clear sight, ready to share with souls who care to pair, with effervescence of bliss beats delight. The game of push and pull, was our mistake. Where lies free will, if we be not awake?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 7/4/2023 8:11:00 AM
Your Crown of Sonnets are very engaging, Unseeking Seeker. They both resonate with my heart and soul. Another FAV for my list. These two Crown of Sonnets have the same flowing wisdom concerning free will. Very insightful and loving to share with us. Have a great day! Bill
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Unseeking Seeker
Date: 7/4/2023 8:26:00 AM
Thanks Bill. I’m new to this form, so wrote two practice poems (including this one) before penning one for the ongoing contest.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things