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The biggest mockery of what couples have one other told, Impressing a play acting, very bold To conceal some sure, future bickering From a supportive solemn gathering. Spouses once dying to see each other’s nudity Now abhor each other’s faces, The other one an outright oddity That looks a bit tolerable behind laces… A time Satan proves himself more profound Than his shallow critics could ever imagine, Himself taking as duty-bound To install between partners the widest margin. It’s an interrupted journey on the marital highway, A keeping of a connubial affair at bay: A once blossoming cooperation Giving way to life-long separation. Divorce, the fullest licence gives to either party To openly crush one’s lips against a new Sweetie’s, Even with one’s Ex embarrassingly nearby; An asking of “Hot Tears” to stand by.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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