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Divorce-All Done No More Fun Son

DIVORCE POEM: ALL DONE NO MORE FUN SON So now is crunch time, There is no more entertaining any-more Sunday brunch times! There’s no more listening,... To your not so funny, so called comedy show lines! They always have been and always will be, nothing but straight lies! As I sit and think with absolutely - no really no alcohol inside my drink… There really was no sober fun times! We only pretended to be fine, to front in front of your blood line. They say the apple don't fall far from the tree! Tell me then, are u really free? You labeling every one else but thee! Ooooooooooooo You keep talking bout the DEITY. When it's your time to come, HE gonna look at you dead in the eye and say "WHO IS HE?" Then where will you be? Not around me! However, I am now and then deemed to be free! Hehe You see, I love the feeling of free, Because I actually learned that to be free- it is ONLY ME! It’s not cause of HE! Or SHE! OR to any which one of you that associates with me! You know as much about me as you do the blessings that come from symbolizing a fig tree. I learned so much from the trinity and each has a purpose. And it only blesses every HE and every SHE! Think of a circle and how it is round. How it can turn a frown upside down., Ya JET’S been around! It's my own fault I'm intrigued by all you fake a** clowns! I love clowns cause clowns make me laugh. With math I learned to equal each half, so half can become a whole. I know DAM WELL NO MAN CAN PROMISE ME MY SOUL!! His eyes was so cold and with years just waiting, some say now we become old. But the stories he told began to unfold. Truth be told it was me and my children, I chose to embrace with a super hold! U know my favorite color? GUESS NOT! ITS GOLD! With the gold in my life I developed a hold and chose to caress ever so bold! That love is unconditional and will never grow old. But lyin a** men get sold like fools gold for the devil to hold! All those lies you told is your world to hold . SO Embrace it! Might be all you know. Might be a lil scary. That’s why you drop so low! THE FINAL SEASON HAS AIRED SON-GOODBYE TO THAT OLD SHOW!!!!!! 2015

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 3/12/2023 8:22:00 AM
Welcome to Poetry Soup. I welcome you with the love of the Lord, expressed by John 3:16 of the Bible, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God bless you.
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Jet Goodman
Date: 3/12/2023 8:32:00 AM
Thank you

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