Distinctive Journey II
I am hanging on by a thread
All I clinging to is prayers
Every breath is like a battle
I feel like I'm unprepared
Death is knocking on front door
Pain is creeping through the back
Fear is crawling
Through the windows
Waiting for it to attack
They say don't get bitter
Get better
I'm working on
Switching them letters
But tell God
I'm going to need
A whole lot of hope
Keeping it together
I'm smiling in everyone's face
I'm Crying when they leave the room
They don't know battles I face
They don't understand
What I'm going through
They say fear haunts
And pain hates
I say pain strengthens
Fear drives faith
I don't know
All of the outcomes
Don't know what happens tomorrow
When that ocean of doubt comes
Don't let me drown in my sorrow
Don't let me stay at the bottom
I feel the hole is too deep to climb
I'll be looking for a way out
But I settle for a piece of mind
Picking up the pieces of my life
Hoping I put
Together something right
Tell me
All I got is what I need
Tell me
You gonna help me
Stay and fight
The struggle seems longer my friend
It's all worth it in the end
When you got nobody
To turn to
Hold on I will find you
Copyright © Phatt Matt | Year Posted 2019
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