Disney Princess Cruise
The Disney Princesses went on a cruise.
Cinderella lost one of her shoes.
Ariel could not find her legs.
Wendy was chased by a pirate on pegs.
Mulan’s sword was stolen by the Hun.
One of Snow White’s dwarfs had run off with a nun.
It was a dour day for the princesses, in fact.
They could barely clap for the cruise’s nightclub act.
Made up of a witch pricking her finger on a needle.
They gasped and screamed, it was a tweedle-be-deedle.
This is the last cruise I will attend, Snow White said.
She and Sleeping Beauty both felt a sudden dread.
Come on! Said Tiana, there are always cute frogs.
Lurking around in these balmy Caribbean bogs.
But an alligator got her, so she turned sad too.
It was a bust, this Disney cruise orchestrated by Ballou.
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2021
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