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Dirt Road To Hill End

"Dirt Road to Hill End" a midnight drive the chauffeur sings soft dreams before the child in time arrives a dream not even borne a silent second sideways smile, magic, minutiae missed in the authoress' mind the stars reflecting in the rockpools of his glistening ice blue eyes are gold stories shrouded in the forgotten expense of innocent time the road is rocky it winds like a twisted friend in the haze of romance it dissolves and in ecstasy thrills new colours unseen the now disappears dark dimension arrives and reality, it blends ghost gums tall and bending spread their ghoulish canopies over them like dark angels evening scent of eucalyptus through open windows in the silence, honour guards the Autumn breeze sucking their souls in the music beats like her heart in tune with Silver Lady's engine masterfully the gears to life are changed down then up again the tale unfolds before captive sentence love handed a key over one note at a time tightening loose chords locking all freedom doors the stars reflecting in the rockpools of his glistening ice blue eyes are gold stories shrouded in the forgotten expense of innocent time the road is rocky it winds and haunted, it bends destination unknown a mystery calling them in the gloaming moon smoky-eyed peers through cover a witches friend to unnamed phantom lovers on a dirt road to Hill End (LadyLabyrinth / 2021) "The Chauffeur" / Bianca Strega (Cover) "The Chauffeur" / Duran Duran (Original) "Way down the lane away Living for another day The aphids swarm up in the drifting haze Swim seagull in the sky Towards that hollow western Isle My envied lady holds you fast in her gaze..." LYRICS/ "The Chauffeur", Duran Duran *including other's thoughts and interpretations behind meaning of lyrics* "This is why Simon wrote the line "Sing Blue Silver": as a child he read a book about timetravel, and in it said that allegedly, people who are coming back from a trip in time see blue silver. It adds to the song's supernatural element."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 4/11/2021 10:46:00 AM
Let loose and live free with the top down... always
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/11/2021 2:30:00 PM
I am a maniac behind the those close to me will attest...buckle up we're in for a bumpy ride...
Date: 4/10/2021 4:21:00 AM
This is beyond beautiful on her way to preciously exquisite: "the stars reflecting in the rockpools of his glistening ice blue eyes are gold stories shrouded in the forgotten expense of innocent time" Wow!
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 3:19:00 PM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 3:19:00 PM,_New_South_Wales
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 3:14:00 PM
A magic time. There were two ghosts once, they haunted Hill End. The mystery of driving Australian Bush roads in the dead dark of night along dirt roads, eyes peeled for the ghosts of gold miners and the possibility of blue silver Min Min lights, listening to the Chauffeur speaking of the existence of God (remarkable in itself) and where we go when we die. Hill End is a ghost town haunted not only by the ghosts of gold miners, but poets and artists (such as Russell Drysdale). The land has been dug up that much during the time of the 1800s Australian Gold Rush, one has to be careful where they walk now, they could fall through the earth to the bottomless pits of Hell. One has to drive through Sofala another ghost town, eerily locked in time, now that place is definitely haunted. Hill End has an artist in residence program. I cannot see any writers present in their 2021 line up, it seems they are all visual artists. I know you love to paint, and your love of art, you may be interested.
Date: 4/10/2021 1:30:00 AM
The Chauffeur. For the male ghost.
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 1:31:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 1:30:00 AM
LYRICS / including, others' interpretation.
Date: 4/10/2021 12:57:00 AM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 4/10/2021 12:57:00 AM

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry