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Dieing In Style

The silence is beckoning from the center of a deafening room. sound giving silence meaning understood by the expulsion of those who are doomed. the irritable laughter, rumors and whispers and lies. the deception draws near me with sophisticated intelligent guise. the words that flow from tongue to ear are like fuses to semtex in the brain. an explosion so great that only a few who understand the awakening can explain. the sorrow and emptiness misguided laughter and pain. misunderstood, misdiagnosed overwhelmed by the hatred and blame the prideful transgression that they refuse to claim will be their demise that will bring them to flames. the denial of truth and the bold display of pride exudes ones emptiness and vacancy inside though the act of denial is successive in all manners of flesh the acceptance of truth and repentance is ones ultimate test. so pick up your cross and walk your green mile cause dieing like jesus is dieing in style!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 10/15/2011 2:49:00 PM
Amazing story with a great climax. Those last two lines give it so much meaning.
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