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**devils Holiday** (The Horror Show)

#1 An awful odor arises through a quick developing pea soup fog. Sounds from nearby crickets and frogs fade as light footsteps draw close, then stop. The fog gets thicker, thicker than before. The odor gets worse, more concentrated. Your now ingesting an evil toxin. Violently your shoved to the ground from behind, something pierces your neck. Evil memories, pictures of death swirl through your mind, convulsing, as your body begins to turn. Suddenly all goes still... You come to, but not like you once were. Something feels different, your vision is altered, you see only a crimson red. Motor functions once average feel almost supernatural. You died, revived, rise from death. You've become a dark death dealer. A new hunger has emerged Cattle. You leap, splurge, submerge yourself in the crimson substance, riding the bloody waves. uncontrollable, relentless in your attacks. Screams of horror a mass slaughter. Your alarm rings soft, minutes later it screams in terror.... I'm awake, I'm awake!!!! You open the curtain The sun....... To be continued........

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 8/27/2009 12:36:00 PM
Its like a shortie from the Wes Craven studio, great read Jared>>James
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Date: 7/23/2009 8:21:00 AM
I love horror poems, and stories. I think I am weird because I like the macabre and the murderous themes. Keep it up, about to read part 2....Aleera
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Date: 7/22/2009 5:02:00 PM
I agree with Carolyn. The vivid imagery gives your poem an eerie feel. The end has me curious. Let me know when you continue this. Karen
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Date: 7/21/2009 10:26:00 PM
Wow! This would have made a great story for the "haunted poets" series that's been making the rounds here. I'm assuming the character became a werewolf, leaping and stalking cattle. How great it was to hear that alarm ring and realize it was all just a dream. I really like your style, Jared. Best Wishes, Carolyn
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