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Ceiling spider. Would you please not bite her? While she’s trying to write thoughtfully. Staring out at a tree. She wants to cry. The spider doesn’t want to pry. So he simply works on a web. But becomes tangled instead. The spider decides to step on her letter. He should have known better. She lets out a shout. Until he told her not to pout. He tells her how to write condolences. In a way that is kind and makes sense. In fact, he knows a lot. After his mother died in her cot. She says thank you. She’s a little nervous of this spider, that is true. A spider with trauma, just like her. She nods, and feels reassured. Suddenly, there is a tiny sound. A fly has been found. The spider says a prayer. As the fly does despair. The ceiling spider doesn’t want to eat this fly. As this fly says goodbye. The spider sinks his fangs. Into the fly’s veins. Ceiling spider. Who would never bite her. A woman writing a heartfelt letter. He knows better. He crawls back into a crack. Above the clothing rack. To eat the remains of his mom, before she decays. It’s about survival in these dark days.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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