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Deserted Convent

Habits are scattered in every cubicle the veils are seen hanging on walls the rosaries are play things for rats there is no sign of life in living room What comes to mind is a place for Nuns long ago deserted for something better could be disaster befell home of celibates no one was there to tell the real story The old dirty utensils bear glaring witness but smell of Sisterhood still linger in air the holiness of the novitiate is not lost when chalice and bibles lie idle on tables In the neighborhood are goons of pleasure enjoying their lifestyles in styles and pomp as they shout; Hurrah, “hurrah let them go wrong and ugly history brought them here This is the freedom we fought with hot blood liberty to do what we want, even to destroy that is the life most perfect here for all today religious life unpatriotic, pagan freedom sanity."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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