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Defiance, the Gods Fall, and Mortal Reign Begins

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Robert J. Lindley, 8-13-2020
Rhyme, ( Man's Powers Grew As The Fleeing Gods Fled )
Tribute poem, honoring the great poet-  Alfred Noyes..

Syllables Per Line:
0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 10 10 10 10 10
Total # Syllables:180
Total # Words::::130

From my new blog-8/13/2020 My Tribute Poem, honoring Alfred Noyes.... Defiance, The Gods Fall, And Mortal Reign Begins Fiery earth, multitude of chasms deep The gods rose from their long and restless sleep, Of those few again stirring brave and wise, Night’s last breath then magnificent sunrise Invincible new Gods as yet unborn Quaked the earth, as high heavens are torn. Again the gods woke from their restless sleep Pale the colors as Gods learned to weep Mortal defiance, as it swiftly grows, O’ Seer, virgin flesh, in time arose Dying Gods their powers had failed to keep Earth's realm free, as mankind's destiny seeps. Solitude, neglect had laid heavy blows Universe its powers, had set new shows As retiring Gods fled the future’s flight, Man’s spirit therein, sought the blessed light Yet in that vein, darkness again held sway From fleeing Gods heard, "Mortals too shall pay". Robert J. Lindley, 8-13-2020 Rhyme, ( Man's Powers Grew As The Fleeing Gods Fled ) Tribute poem, honoring the great poet- Alfred Noyes..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/16/2020 1:50:00 AM
Enjoyed this read...
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Robert Lindley
Date: 8/18/2020 5:09:00 AM
Thank you my friend. I am truly delighted that you enjoyed this one.. God bless....
Date: 8/15/2020 12:10:00 AM
As always, Robert, classical olde world poetry masterfully crafted. For all its splendour, though, there is also an uncanny restraint in this poem, every word, every line just perfectly weighted. Great poem, my friend, Fave.
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Robert Lindley
Date: 8/15/2020 4:59:00 AM
Thank you my friend. I took great care to compose this one as it is a tribute poem to the great poet, ALfred Noyes.... God bless...

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