Deeper Thoughts
My messed up mind draws a blank,
My motivational efforts have sank
Nothing but a chaotic stream of stagnant thoughts,
Starting a mental battle which continuously has to be fought,
Sleep deprived and mentally drained,
My eyes can’t lie they truly show there strained,
Trying to hide my psychotic state from everyone,
Even though the person I once new has most certainly gone,
The mask I choose to wear helps me hide my dispair,
From the loved ones who I feel no longer care,
The promise I once made,
Does not cause the thoughts to fade,
Depression haunts every corner of my mind,
Causing me to have cried,
It takes hold and feels like it’s tearing into your soul,
Until it finally takes its last toll,
Deeper thoughts swirl in my clouded mind,
Now Happiness seems so hard to find.
Copyright © Sarah Cope | Year Posted 2022
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