Deep Thoughts
you are afraid that seeming soft makes you weak, so you over compensate with anger and agression in order to appear fierce, so that you can feel as though you are strong, you feel that you cannot feel strong unless you have some sort of power over another, but i shall tell you, this is another kind of weakness, true strength is found in dignity and integrity, of simply being yourself, open and honest and without self deciet, a simple statement of who you are without any excuse or explanation, that is the true courage, to face yourself,to conquer your own inequities not those of others, to withstand the fire of self and emerge unburned, this is true strength, true courage, and true freedom from the shackles of self and others, in the freedom of being able to love yourself and others, without cause, without justification and without reason, this is the true freedom and joy of life.
Copyright © Daire Willow Kia | Year Posted 2021
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