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Declining Years

Sitting on a garden wooden bench I made many years ago. I hear the many birds that have made their home in my garden. I’m not afraid to sit on the bench for I made it strong like I was then. Now, time has robbed my once sleek body and left me with age spots, spindle legs, memory lost and weak knees. Drinking my ice tea and listening to the buzzing of the bees around my garden relaxes me. The industrious bees have been saving honey for winter. I no longer save my meager income for I don’t have time to earn dividends. My black cat rubs against my leg and looks up with yellow eyes wanting to know why I’m not working in my garden. He doesn’t know about my weak knees. I stroke his slick fur and scratch his ears. He moves on looking for lizards. I’m alone with my memories of yesterday that are slowly being erased by time. Soon these thoughts will depart and follow my strength and eyesight to parts unknown to me. A lonely breeze messes my few stands of hair on its way to another land. A mockingbird on a maple tree is mimicking songs from numerous other birds. It has no song of his own but has learned to imitate sounds from the environment. They are like some individuals who have learned to be someone else other than themselves. The trees have vibrant new green leaves that wave to everyone who passes by. Oh heavens above, why can’t we renew ourselves like the trees and perennials? Are they worth more than us? Are we not more important than they are? Judging from what I have seen these many years, the human race is really not better than what nature has created.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/20/2018 8:27:00 PM
For me, age has opened doors I am grateful for. I rarely envy the past. I have learned more in my advancing years than all the years of my youth and education. I had to give up gardening because of animals eating my hard work. Writing consumes my waking hours, good wine brings me pleasant hours, and classical music is the only music I listen to. I'm comfortable with my life. Thanks for reading my work and your generous comments. / M
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/21/2018 8:23:00 AM
Maurice, sounds like you found a way to grow old gracefully. Keep on writing your witty and down to earth prose.
Date: 3/12/2018 6:49:00 AM
I am so taken by this poem. I am there in that place in my life, unable to function as I did before as a younger man. I grow less tolerant of stupidity. More outspoken and broken memories, names, places, and things evade me. I take walks to be peaceful with nature, finding the roadsides littered like an ongoing landfill, a world with no respect for what truly matters, A world losing sight of itself.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/12/2018 9:36:00 AM
My dear friend, The worst thing about growing old is to have to listen to a lot of advice from one's children. Guess the only way you can stay young in spirit is by fully accepting the fact of growing older.
Date: 3/11/2018 5:26:00 PM
I'm glad that the bench is still as strong as you were back then; you are making good use of it for sure.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/11/2018 6:05:00 PM
Hi Amy, yes the bench will be there for my grandchildren.
Date: 3/11/2018 11:26:00 AM
Beautiful and sad musings, steeped in melancholy and acceptance. I especially loved the passage about the mocking bird.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/11/2018 1:14:00 PM
Agnes, your comments on how I felt when writing are right on. Thank you.
Date: 3/10/2018 8:20:00 PM
Your history is the history of all of us. We grow old and weak. Gardening symbolizes prosperity. It's my hobby. Good write, friend.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/11/2018 10:21:00 AM
My dear friend, Gardeing is my passion and yes, I have been prosperous in achieving many of my dreams.
Date: 3/9/2018 3:05:00 PM
I enjoy your story about your garden & relation over time with it Carlos, I love gardening also, and know at some point it will be more challenging, thanks for stopping by! jim
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/9/2018 4:32:00 PM
You are welcome James. Thanks for your comments.
Date: 3/9/2018 12:27:00 PM
It is lovely to picture all these instances in one's mind... But there are some where I felt sad... The most - fading memories... No matter how happily we lead our lives some don't even get to relish them till the end... :-/
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/9/2018 1:10:00 PM
There is truth in what you said Ruphen, "No matter how happily we lead our lives some don't even get to relish them till the end" Thank you for your comments.
Date: 3/7/2018 12:35:00 PM
Beautiful verse Carlos, sadly we all fade with the passing of time.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/7/2018 10:46:00 PM
Thanks Tom. Yes, we must all march to the same tune.
Date: 3/7/2018 10:59:00 AM
Many can relate to your story of declining years. You wrote this in a soothing tone, but it has a strong message. Well written, carlos.
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Lunita Blanca
Date: 3/7/2018 11:55:00 AM
Your comments mean a lot to me Vijay. Thanks.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things